Catch up Day

Today was such a non-lockdown kind of day for me.

Not in the news though, Johnson going into ICU seems really difficult to grasp if I stop to try to think about it and really try to get my head around the fact that Raab is apparently now coordinating things. The thought of Patel being next in line affords me the time and excuse for a real insanity check.

But in other respects - the warm sunny weather, some meditation practice, the pace of life, my recreational reading and listening to podcasts - all that just seemed to be taking place for me a non-contaminated world away. At my mind. Anyway, I caught up on back copies of Private Eye that I'm late getting around to (more on that tomorrow), read New Humanist, delved into some of the shitstorm being reported by the Grauniad and the FT (both of which I subscribe to, in the thinking that what best passes for the truth these days lies somewhere within and between both), listened to conversations/talks by Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson whose thoughts and eloquence are now both indispensable to my wellbeing...and thanked no one in particular that another day in paradise has left me, as best I can tell, thus far virus-free. Well, not totally virus-free I'm sure, but with a sufficiently low load of the requisite variety to avoid Covid-19 this day.

Now I shall fry some steak, and I both thank and apologise to the cow for so doing. At least it's not a bat.